Talent Spotlight: Sangeetha Ramanan

International Women's Day 2023

5 3 月, 2023

Name: Sangeetha Ramanan Role: Healthcare Architect Team Lead | Vancouver & Calgary Studio: Calgary

What are things a well-designed building or space can’t exist without? In current times, the following are the most important elements to consider when designing new buildings/structures:

    1. Sustainability: It’s crucial that buildings incorporate features that reduce its environmental impact such as employing energy efficient systems, water conservation systems and the use of renewable materials.
    2. Climate resiliency: This refers to incorporating strategies that help buildings better withstand/adapt to the effects of climate change, such as extreme weather events, rising temperatures and the risk of flooding. Strategies to consider are using durable materials, designing for flood protection, incorporating green infrastructure, and integrating renewable energy resources to name a few.

How would you describe your approach to design? Having focused on healthcare buildings for most of my career, my approach has always been collaborative and multi-disciplinary, with the objective to enhance overall community wellbeing. A good approach to healthcare facility design should take into account the following key considerations: patient-centered design, evidence-based design, integration with technology, designing for flexibility, climate resiliency, sustainability and inclusivity.

Who are two people you’d like to have lunch with and why? First would be Oprah Winfrey. I’ve admired her since I was a little girl and value her advice on life in general. The second would be Malala Yousafzai. I find her story inspirational and would be interested to hear her thoughts on how ordinary people (like me) can be a part of her mission to bring social change in how women are treated in the Indian Subcontinent.

Where would you say is your most favourite place that you’ve visited in the world and why? Machu Picchu in Peru. The unique combination of an ancient, historically significant manmade structure in a stunning natural landscape makes it one of the most profoundly beautiful places I have had the fortune to visit. Also, since I took the pilgrimage route to get there via the Inca trail, which is a 4-day arduous hike and camping journey on very high mountainous altitudes, it sweetened the reward of reaching Machu Picchu, the final destination.

What’s your favourite book and why? The Story of My Experiments with Truth – An Autobiography of Mahatma Gandhi. The book is a detailed account of Gandhi’s life and philosophies that brought him to the forefront of India’s struggle for independence from British rule. Having an East Indian background, this book and the messages imparted within it have had a tremendous impact on my life and spiritual beliefs.