Talent Spotlight: Emily Brown

International Women's Day 2023

15 2 月, 2023

Name: Emily Brown

Role: Interior Designer (CHIL)

Studio: Vancouver

What’s something that a well-designed building or space can’t exist without? Striking a balance between form, function, and emotion. I like to approach space as a canvas that can be used to create destinations that are both practical and transcendent, while pertaining to social and environmental needs.

Where does inspiration come from? Not to be cliché – but everywhere. We’re surrounded by endless sources. It’s integral for me to slow down, listen and allow that intrinsic curiosity to develop and be translated in a meaningful and respectful way through design.

What’s your favourite project to date? The Dorian, Autograph Collection. This bespoke hotel is Oscar Wilde meets modern-day Calgary. It showcases a design that’s drenched in details and embodies a thoughtfully curated narrative of discovery throughout the entirety of the space.

What’s you favourite book and why? As an avid reader, this is an extremely difficult question. However, pertaining to interior design, one book that sticks with me is ‘Toward a New Interior’ by Lois Weinthal. I first read this as an Interior Design student, but I continually return to it. It was the first book I encountered that treated interior design theory with parity to architecture and industrial design. Each chapter is beautifully structured to explore ideas about space and its integral relationship to the human experience.

What have you learned a lot from? Asking questions. Whether interpersonal or with clients, team members, suppliers, and consultants – we’re so fortunate in this industry to collaborate and engage with so many people and resources. It pushes me to continue listening, learning, and growing.

What makes a successful team? There are many components, but the foundation is open collaboration and communication. Creating an environment in which a range of voices can be heard, and skillsets shared throughout the design process is integral.

What’s your favourite journey? One that starts with a preconceived notion of what to expect, but changes along the way, evolving into something greater than you could have pictured. In short, I would say the unexpected ones.